Gingivitis linked to poor oral hygiene can often be addressed by a professional dental cleaning treatment and conscious improvements in your daily oral hygiene routine. Without these measures, the mild inflammation of gum disease can worsen into the periodontal infection of periodontitis.
As it continues to develop your gumline could start to recede, which also can lead to bacterial deposits building up near the roots of your teeth. In time this could lead to multiple missing or compromised teeth.
In a case like this, dentists like Drs. Ross and Chmiel might recommend extracting an area of badly compromised teeth. Aftercare will likely include prescription pain medication, which needs to be taken at the stated times and dosages.
Once your gum tissues have healed they might recommend a partial denture which can be designed to effectively mimic the appearance and function of the missing teeth. It will be firmly set into a pink medium designed to match the natural shape and appearance of your gum tissues. The partial denture might also include hardware to lock it in place with the adjacent teeth.
Some patients with a partial denture also like to apply a small amount of denture adhesive when installing the unit each morning. It can provide an extra secure hold while also helping to block out food particles.
If you live in the Franklin, Wisconsin, area and you have been struggling to deal with gum disease and tooth loss, you should call 414-525-0300 to schedule an appointment at Dr. Susan Chmiel.