To make our dental services even more affordable, Dr. Susan Chmiel offers specials! We welcome you to call us at 414-525-0300 to learn more about our special offers and make your appointment with our friendly dentists in Franklin, Wisconsin.
New Patient Special
We love welcoming new patients to our office! When you visit our practice for the first time, you can receive a free dental exam and a full set of X-rays. To learn more about this amazing offer, and to schedule your appointment with our dentists, please give our office a call today.
This offer is only valid for new patients.
Invisalign® Special
When you begin your Invisalign® treatment with Dr. Susan Chmiel, you can receive $400 off your treatment! Call us today to learn more about the benefits of Invisalign and take advantage of this incredible offer!
Complimentary Consultations
When you visit the office of Dr. Susan Chmiel for any treatment, our dentists will provide you with a free consultation! Whether you need a simple extraction or an extensive restorative procedure, your initial consultation with our dentists is free of charge. Call us today to learn more about this offer and schedule your complimentary consultation.