Wisdom teeth are essentially third molars lurking in the back of the mouth as vestigial teeth leftover by the slow-moving processes of evolution. Most people have four wisdom teeth, but it is not unheard of for some individuals to have as many as six wisdom teeth, while there are some people who have none.
Your dentist, Dr. Susan Chmiel, routinely suggests having your wisdom teeth extracted at some point in mid-to-late adolescence.
Early symptoms that the wisdom teeth are emerging often include a deep ache in the gums or rear of the jaw. Some people complain of tension and pressure in the jaw muscles as well. An impacted wisdom tooth, which means it is trapped in the gums, can lead to pain and infection and can potentially damage the existing molars.
Even if one of your wisdom teeth does manage to emerge from the gums without complication, it will still require daily care and cleaning. Partially emerged wisdom teeth can often be hard to brush and floss. This makes them much more prone to tooth decay and gum disease. This can have a serious negative impact on the healthy molars in the back of the mouth.
If you are considering having your wisdom teeth extracted in Franklin, Wisconsin, you should call Dr. Susan Chmiel at 414-525-0300 to schedule an appointment.